Assignment 15.1.2

Scripted Action and Dialogue – actions that are scripted that performers will have to recite via memorization, telegram, etc. (used a lot in movies, news programs, etc.)

Unscripted Action and Dialogue – actions that are unscripted, and do not use any type of script. pretty much On-The-Fly recording. they are used to capture real settings without telling people what to do.

Title and Graphics – These are used to enhance videos by adding visual appeal, such as pictures, and could be used to compliment the video. you’re always going to want a pretty nice title how else are you going to get people to watch what you’re presenting.

Music and Sound Effects – Music and Sound effects are used to add musical appeal to the video you are trying to capture, these are used via sound files and this is where it becomes necessary to use compression and decompression, you’re going to want a really uncompressed file if you want some pretty solid audio quality. just some advice if you’re going into it anytime soon. I make you-tube videos… I tinker with this stuff every day 😛

Non-Linear Editing

This was how we use to edit things back in the day, before we had all these computer programs that basically did the editing for us. but in a more died down since its physically going in and editing audio or video. but nowadays we have special editing programs that edit these things for us like audio editors and video editors.

Types of Redundancy

Redundancy – what this means when it comes to video compression is the replication of information over frames within a video.

Temporal redundancy – The redundancy of information that exists between a set of frames in a video. This is also called “Inter Frame Redundancy” This also refers to similar values of pixels across several frames.

Spatial redundancy – The Redundancy of information that lies in the same frame.. this is whats known as “Intra Frame Redundancy” This also refers to similar values of pixels within a single frame.

Uploading Formats

The most commonly used format that’s probably used for anything internet related would have to be MPEG-4, and the reason being is its small file size, and it the quality doesn’t look all that bad either. so its perfect for sharing around the internet.

Just another note with this format is that a lot of people are moving towards this format for sharing information via internet.

Different Types of Video Compression

Lossy Video Compression

Lossy video compression is whenever you reduce the file size,  but you get a lower quality video in return. once you compress the video you are reducing the file size but you are “losing” quality and it doesn’t look as good.

Lossless Video Compression

Lossless video compression is how you keep a professional look on your video, but doesn’t compress a lot. so your file wont be as small as a “lossy video compression” but it will still be moderately compressed, and still maintain a pretty decent compression

but the way either of these things are processed withing a video is in lossy, it searches through the file and “removes” anything that is unnecessary for a better video storage. in lossless though, it searches for anything that is deemed a statistical redundancy, and eliminates it. ones just a smarter way of reducing file size I suppose.

But it also appears there is a few other ways of compression too known as Interframe Compression and Intraframe Compression

Inter Frame Compression is when a video is broken down into one frame at a time, and is optimized using brightness, and quality. but still uses compression’s to reduce file size.

Intra Frame Compression is when a video has its whole quality broken down as a whole to reduce file size completely. a more quicker one than the one shown above


Microphone Scenarios

So what kind of microphone should I use for what type of scenario?


An Omni-directional Mic is mainly a mic that pics up audio in all directions it doesn’t really have a focus point. so if you we’re outside and moving around a lot you would probably want one of these. or is you need to record a large area all at once.


Bidirectional Mic is a microphone that will equally pic up whats coming from the back and whats coming from the front. so it will pick up two sounds coming from two opposite directions so you could probably use these for two people carrying a conversation, or you talking and recording something in front of you.


Cardiroid Mic is a microphone that resembles a recording range similar of that to a heart. so its going to pick up a moderate range to your left and to your right, but its going to pick up mainly the range towards your front. so if you wanted to record something directly in front of you but also had somethings going on to the side, it’d be best to use this. kind if you had three people sitting down and you wanted to record what all three where saying just set this up i suppose…kind of a good scenario for it.

What is dynamic range?

Dynamic Range is the difference between the lightest light and the darkest dark areas withing a photo. once anything reaches the lightest light they appear to be plain white areas, and when anything reaches the darkest dark. they are going to look like black splotches within your photo.

Assignment 12.1.3

codec is a method of encoding or decoding data. more such just a way for people to compress data to make it easy to use,store,etc.

container is what holds a grouping defined by the codec, say you had a ton of files organized by the codec, after they where compressed, decoded, encoded, etc. you would place them in the container. it pretty much packages, transports, and gets everything set up for you.

Assignment 12.1.2

Sampling Rate: 

This number refers to the samples of audio carried per second, and this is measured using Hz or kHz (pretty much meaning 1 kHz is 1,000 Hz). so say you had 50,000Hz you could easily die that down to 55kHz.

But the average frequency rate of Human Hearing is between 20Hz to 20Khz, so that means you could only hear between 20Hz to 20,000Hz so the minimum sampling rate of these would be 40kHz to hear every frequency in between this range.

Assignment 12.1.1


The maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of the equilibrium. this is also measured in decibel units. pretty much what this means is when you are given a wavelength this is the highest amount of decibels on that wave length.


The distance between successive crests of wave, especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave. so this measures the distance between two or more waves in a wavelength.



The frequency is how many times a sound or wave will strike in a certain frequency. or the number of occurrences of a repeating event in a wave.
