Microphone Scenarios

So what kind of microphone should I use for what type of scenario?


An Omni-directional Mic is mainly a mic that pics up audio in all directions it doesn’t really have a focus point. so if you we’re outside and moving around a lot you would probably want one of these. or is you need to record a large area all at once.


Bidirectional Mic is a microphone that will equally pic up whats coming from the back and whats coming from the front. so it will pick up two sounds coming from two opposite directions so you could probably use these for two people carrying a conversation, or you talking and recording something in front of you.


Cardiroid Mic is a microphone that resembles a recording range similar of that to a heart. so its going to pick up a moderate range to your left and to your right, but its going to pick up mainly the range towards your front. so if you wanted to record something directly in front of you but also had somethings going on to the side, it’d be best to use this. kind if you had three people sitting down and you wanted to record what all three where saying just set this up i suppose…kind of a good scenario for it.

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