Types of Typography

So you’d like to know a little bit about typography well first things first, Typography is many different things that relate to the way text looks, such as font, color, style, contrast, technically what makes text look more appealing. but this has many different concepts and in this next brief part i’m going to go over some for you.


Basically what this is, is whenever you type a letter of any sort it usually it comes with a stroke whether  it is a horizontal stroke or a vertical stroke. You’ll see what I mean in the picture below but first let me explain what it is. So if you take the letter “h” the line that barely comes over it, is what is know as a stroke, or a vertical stroke to be exact. So now lets say you removed the stroke it would now look like “n” because they’re is no vertical Stroke Just like “H” if you removed the horizontal stroke it would appear as “l l”. Here is an image below



Contrast refers to how bold a character of text is, in a dubbed down since just how heavy the word appears.



This is an imaginary line drawn from the top of any character to bisect the middle of it. this is used to measure when a typeface exhibits changes in thickness of curved strokes. the inclination of the axis that character has is used to measure the angle of the axis. So if a character has different thicknesses throughout the body of the character this is used to measure the angle of stress.



This relates to how dark the text looks, the thickness of its strokes, if it looks bold, extrabold, or lighter than most. i guess you could consider a light font a font with very thin lines and smaller wording, versus a darker font would be more bold and have thicker strokes.



This relates to the angle at which the typeface is set. so if it was normal it would look like the text you are reading right now. then lets say i changed the angle to a solid 15* degrees. It would appear more like this.


Sans Serif vs. Serif

So in the Latin language the word Sans means without. So in computer typography i guess you could call it right around the same thing. The Serif font looks like standard text but with decorative serifs on the end of them. when placed side by side you can definitely tell the difference between the two. but in a comparison they both have their advantages and disadvantages. when it comes to something you’re trying to make look “cooler and more decorative”you could use the Serifs Typeface. but for business resumes and other things requiring that professional touch you would probably be better off using Sans Serifs. Here is an image below to show you exactly what i’m talking about.

Sans Serif VS Serif

Decorative Typefaces

also referred to as Display Typeface, these are made to draw the eye when you wanna get someones attention and generally make things more appealing. So if you want something to look really cool, or have an event and would like something to look 110% fancier you would browse for more Decorative Typefaces


Script Fonts

These fonts are probably the bottomline sexiest of fonts (in my opinion) its like if you had cursive but made it into a font. these typefaces are probably used more for formal events and weddings and such. really cool looking fonts. very similar to caligraphy as well.

Back-Soon also in other news.. I use this as my twitch banner. its similar to calligraphy but just in case you guys wanna see Grade-A calligraphy i’ll post another down below. how-to-add-decorative-glamour-to-your-ordinary-script-font

Special Characters & Symbols

Anything could technically be a symbol just stating that right off the bat. but usually when you’re talking about these its not just something normal you’d see. not anything like the text you’re reading now. something outside the basic internet alphabet. something very similar to the image shown  below.


Anyways I believe that covers the basics to Typography thank you for your time reading and i hope this helped you learn a little bit more about it. Hope you guys enjoyed and i hope you all have an awesome day. (or night lol)

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