Understanding Multimedia

Chapter 1 – Social Media

The main reason I picked this as one of the more “important” topics of the Chapter( which i’m going to add, there was a lot of good things to pick from this chapter.) is because it appealed to me more than any of them. People use these engines everyday in life to get to know each other, they we’re created to mainly create bridges with people we would never meet without them. i have friends on Facebook all across the world, Europe, China, Italy, even in the Philippines. and i connect with these people using various methods of social media. its just really cool the things we can do with this. and not to mention the people we wouldn’t meet, or the goals we couldn’t achieve without them. but anyways i believe i’ll end there, I could keep rambling about it but then again i think i would be here all night xD but anyways thanks for reading and can’t wait for the next assignment 🙂 till next time.